Activities,  lifestyle

Why I Created a Vision Board This Year

For the past 3-5 years I’ve been seeing people talk about vision boards and advertising vision board parties. It was something I never really got, because I already knew my goals and I would either write them down or repeat them over and over in my head. Within the last few years I have manifested some of my goals just by writing them down and constantly thinking of them. So I decided hey it couldn’t hurt to try out a vision board. Visualizing my goals everyday may help me achieve even more of the things on my list. Its always worth a try. 

If you don’t know what a vision board is, here’s a definition:

A vision board is a collage of items that are meant to kick start your imagination and help you visualize your goals.

Vision Board - IMG_9357

What you need:



Construction Paper or Some sort of board/book to display your vision board

Colorful markers/pens

Washi Tape/Stickers (optional)



What should go on a Vision Board:

This is totally up to you, you can put practically anything. I think the best bet though, is to be realistic and intentional about what you put on your board. Think about your relationships, health, goals and overall how you would like to feel this year.


Here’s how I created mine:

  1. Gathered Old Magazines. Look for images that represent what you want in life. It could be something you want for your job, your relationship or yourself. 
  2. Printed Photos and Quotes From Online. Using this method allows you to get very specific, maybe you saw a quote you really like or a photo you just can’t find in a magazine. Print it. 
  3. Got Together With a Friend. Sharing your goals and dreams with a close friend helps to keep you accountable. Talk about what you want and how you plan to get it or make it happen. My best friend and I set a date and worked on our vision boards together.
  4. Put On Music. This is purely for entertainment. Put on something you like, something that inspires you or something catchy and fun. It’s up to you.
  5. Place The Images. Before I pulled out the glue, I placed all of the cutouts in a general layout. Once I was satisfied with how it looked I then started to glue everything down.
  6. Fill In The Blanks. This step is optional, but I used some colorful pens and markers to write quotes in some of the blank spaces.

Doing this exercise with my best friend made me realize that vision boards are fun. You get to be creative and it does not have to be a structured or stressful activity. All your vision board has to do is inspire you and keep your goals and dreams top of mind.

Have you created a vision board before? If so, what kinds of things do you put on yours?

One Comment

  • Silver

    Actually, that’s not a bad idea for the new year….
    A visible reminder of what you want and what you personally need to accomplish for you that you look at and not let it get away from you….
    I’ll put it under consideration to do myself

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