Post Hurricane Matthew Tips
Bahamas,  lifestyle

Post Hurricane Matthew Tips

Now that hurricane Matthew has passed and left a wake of destruction throughout multiple islands in The Bahamas & Caribbean many people are left without electricity, water and other essential items. I am thankful my family & I made it through with minimal damage to our homes, but others have not been so lucky.

Here are a few tips for dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew:

  1.  Keep your phone charger on hand and try to charge if you are at a business, friend or family members home that has power
  2.  Stay hydrated
  3.  Travel with containers/jugs to collect water
  4.  Visit friends or family members, play a game, start a conversation or just spend time to keep your mind off of all the destruction & the stress that comes along with it.
  5.  Eliminate standing water from flower pots, open containers, boats etc.
  6. Clean up debris
  7. Make sure your breakers/power supply is off until power is restored & an electrician has checked your home (when the power comes back on there is a possibility of starting a fire)
  8.  Drive only if necessary, and avoid flooded roads. Watch for fallen objects & downed electrical wires.
  9. Take photos of the damage to your home, property and personal items for insurance claims.
  10. Make sure you keep portable generators outdoors to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
  11. Do not use electrical or gas appliances that have been wet, and do not turn on damaged appliances because of the hazards of electric shock or fire.
  12. When power returns to your home, Turn on appliances gradually to reduce any possible damage.
  13. Protect yourself from mosquitos.
  14. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Lets continue to help our friends, family and even neighbors we may not even know or speak to. If you have electricity invite a friend over to charge their phones or for cold water and a warm meal. Help out where you can & don’t forget to ask for help if you need it. I hope all of my viewers made it through the storm okay. <3


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