TheQueen'sBath- Feature
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The Queen’s Bath | Eleuthera

The Queen’s Bath are natural rock pools on the rugged Atlantic side of Eleuthera. Carved out from years of waves crashing into the limestone cliffs. The pools fill with seawater at high tide and as tide recedes the pools are warmed by the sun, creating a relaxing natural bath. Located just off the highway near the Glass Window bridge you will find The Queen’s Bath nestled within the cliffs. Look for the Heritage Site sign and you can’t miss it. A quick walk down the trail gets you to the top.

The Queen's Bath - View from the top

To view and enjoy this natural wonder, requires a little climbing, make sure you wear the proper shoes and bring water.  The tides will determine what you can safely see and do. I recommend going during low tide or when tide is just going out. It is all worth the work.

Related: The Glass Window Bridge

The Queen's Bath - Sea Level View

All of my summers spent in Eleuthera as a child, I never even knew this beautiful natural formation existed. In the last few years I have seen so many gorgeous pictures of this location. I was determined to find The Queen’s Bath and take some of my own. Of course I went and I had on the worst shoes possible for climbing (flip flops) but i’m a true island gal so I made the climb down barefooted.

The view from the top can be very intimidating especially if it is your first time and you are not sure where to climb down. If you follow the sandy path straight forward, it will look like you’re about to walk off the cliff. This is the best path to take, TRUST ME. To your right the rocks are much flatter and smoother and it is a lot easier to climb down from here. The path to the left is very rough and can be dangerous. It’s MUCH easier to take the path on the right.

The Queen's Bath - Climbing Down


Once you make that climb, enjoy the gorgeous view and cool off in the baths, explore the caves and enjoy the ocean breeze. Watch out for sea urchins and you will be fine. I will make this a stop every time I go to Eleuthera. It’s a must see in my opinion; especially since it is always changing because of natural erosion.

The Queen's Bath - Waves Crashing

The Queen's Bath - Family

Warning: Do not go down to sea level at high tide—you risk being washed out to sea. 

Watch me explore The Queen’s Bath:


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